May 8, 2009

More Experiments

I thought I would continue experimenting this morning.
Here are the tools I used. Black fabric, different sizes of brushes and liquid dishwasher detergent.

Dipping the brush in the cap filled with the detergent you stroke it on the fabric in the design you want. I stuck with flowers. Daisies & Cone Flowers.

After rinsing this layer off I added another layer of detergent on top of the first one.

On the panel with cone flowers I put the third layer on the flowers and then began one layer of new flowers at the top.

Third layer on daisies.

Daisies finished.

Cone flowers finished, I added the bottom flowers after rinsing the top ones off for an even subtle grouping. The photos do not show the subtleness of this.

I am getting the hang of this now. I apologize for my poor photos but this goes fast and I had to shoot the pics fast and then rinse with each step. When I first started I had one piece of fabric dry and one wet. It did not seem to matter with how it discharged.
Next time I would like to try doing it with the detergent thinned out and more liquidy. Then I will do wet vs dry fabric and see if it bleeds more on the wet.


Nellie's Needles said...

Fun! Fun! Fun!
Your results are wonderful! I liked yesterdays, but today's are exceptional.
I wish I had time to play with this. It will have to go on my list of things to do.

Libby Fife said...

What a wonderful result. I saw something else at a show recently where the person had used flour as a resist? I had never heard of that one.

Good for you for making time in your schedule to do this. I think it is just as important as anything else you might do in this area-just my opinion:)

Amy said...

This is spectacular! Way to go!

Barbara Strobel Lardon said...

Glad you are all enjoying this technique. It is fun to do and you do not need anything special to do it.

Diane Wright said...

My friend Linda Z told me about your dispersal. I have used dishwasher detergent before...but not with your wonderful results. I guess I'll give it another go. Thank you so much for the inspiration.


Anonymous said...

Wow, your results with this technique are fabulous!

Anonymous said...

I simply loved it. You are an artist. Definetly. Thank you for sharing.

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