Jan 23, 2014


Well.....once in a while this happens.....Just not feeling this one.   Almost quit on it and started something else.   However....I am continuing in hopes that what I still have planned for it will bring it around to where I wanted it to go.   We will see......if it can be salvaged.
The worst thing is where the branches meet the truck of the tree.  It did not look bad when viewing it here but once photographed and put on this post I see that some are way to wide.   It is all finished and quilted onto the background so there is no changing it now.   I will "ponder" it for a while and continue with the other elements and see what I can come up with.


Michelle said...

Looks beautiful to me.

Susan Turney said...

I LOVE IT! I think maybe you should walk away and come back later. I think it's stunning and I'm sure there are trees just like that.

WoolenSails said...

Well of course I will notice it, if you say something, lol. I think the middle two throw it off, the most. Wondering if you can put a bird on them to distract from the size?


Maree said...

I think it looks beautiful too but was also wondering if a bird (perhaps a woodpecker) could be used to disguise the fattest branch.

Libby Fife said...

I hadn't even noticed it. Did you quilt all of the individual bark patterns also or is that the fabric?

As an idea, you might try adding a branch somewhere else on the tree that swoops down and partially covers the area that you don't like. Branches cross each other and I bet you could figure out how to work that.

It's a "Barbara" piece and it is lovely:)

Unknown said...

Unless pointed out it is such a minor concern. Putting a bird on it ( portlandia!?) may just make it more noticeable so I would do that carefully. The bark on that tree is really amazing. The thickness of those branches could be just the angle one is looking at it from. I would not fret over it! This one is looking pretty good to me from this view!

Terri Stegmiller said...

I think it's a beautiful scene!

Molly, Sweet Potato Shop said...

The tree is beautiful, I know you can salvage it. I'm still not even convinced it needs salvaging!

Knatolee said...

I dunno, my dear, I thought the tree was amazing when I opened this page. I wasn't focusing on the the distance between branches but rather the fabulous effect of the strong tree over the "foggy" background. Don't quit!

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