
Oct 8, 2012

Weekend With the Boys

 Clay who will be one on the 10th and Max who will be 5 on Dec. 26th enjoy the day in the back yard despite the cool temps and windy weather.

 Clayton is  just too cute and is still not used to walking in shoes but got pretty good at it by the end of the day.

 Max loves Captain America and all of the avengers so he was happy to have him with him.

 Gotta love Ozzie who puts up with the kids perfectly.

 There is more than one way to read a book!  And it can just tucker you out when you get finished.


  1. Sounds like a nice way to spend the weekend, they are so cute. Hopefully I will be enjoying a new grand baby next fall;)


  2. All bundled up! They are so sweet and I just love the pics of them in their little jackets and such. It looks so nostalgic and wonderful somehow. Sure different from here right now, I can tell you that! Glad you had such a lovely weekend:)

  3. Looks like it was an enjoyable weekend.
