
Oct 9, 2012

Under The Needle

Working on the quilting.  This will take a while me thinks.  Cold windy day here today so perfect to stay in doors working on what you love to do.


  1. We are having cold and wind here too. Stay warm and have fun quilting!

  2. I can't wait to see how this piece comes out with tehe quilting. It has so much detail in the fabrics, the quilting will really make it come to life. Cold and rainy here and i have a cold, so sitting and hand stitching today.


  3. Exciting! It's going to be a treasure for sure.

  4. It looks like you already have your edges finished (faced?), then you're doing your quilting. Interesting way to work, I always feel like I "have" to finish the quilting first, then face or bind. I guess the quilt police wouldn't really care!

  5. Actually not Laura. The background is quilted and it is fairly squared up before I added the chickens and logs etc. It will need a slight amount of trimming in the end and then I put the finished edge on.

  6. This one is soooo cool! I haven't visited in a while so I did not see this quilt until now... might be one of my favorites you've done!
