
Oct 3, 2012

Chicks on a Log

The girls are now settled on their logs.  No nesting material here but they do not seem to mind.
After getting this far I had to take a break and go out on this beautiful day to do some dead heading and just enjoy the warmth since tomorrow we drop down to 50.  The color here has peaked and now leaves are falling like rain drops.
 Ozzie always has to squeeze into the photo.  Both dogs love this cooler weather. 
 This maple is just glorious!

 Unfortunately Watson must watch from a window.  Soon windows will be shut tight for the long winter.  Nice that he can enjoy it while it lasts.  The maple outside the studio window is always loaded with birds and he loves that. 


  1. Beautiful fall photos. Tell Watson I named a rooster after him. And I can't say enough good things about that quilt!! My chicks are coming alive on the fabric!

  2. I am loving this piece, each element you add, just makes it better. My kitties tend to mutilate my screens, gets expensive, lol.


  3. Your chicken piece is getting better and better!

    No fall color here yet.

  4. The chicks are great!! Gorgeous colors.

  5. As always, your yard is just gorgeous. Especially right now with all of those colors.

    Chicks on a log, man. Dig it!

  6. Who is to say that Watson is not on the other side of the window?

    Watson is very clever.
