
Oct 2, 2012

5 Chicks

Five chickens are in.  Now I will work on the foreground and then they will no longer be floating in mid-air like they are now.  Some more tweaking on them may be done after the foreground goes in but I will wait to do that later.  I am fairly happy with this arrangement but also tried this one.

I did not like the big negative space in the upper left but I did like the two sitting chickens by each other. I could put something in that space but it will not be another chicken as I am chickened out!


  1. I do like the chicken sitting behind the other, more than in the corner. But, they are sitting, so it all depends on how they look when you put the nest or whatever goes under them, then it might balance out.


  2. Barbara your art quilts are magnificent!! I just took a peek at your etsy shop and your work is beautiful~ I am a big fan of chickens so however you arrange the girls in the yard will be stunning~the feather colors are perfect~so glad to have found your blog~♥Eileen

  3. Bunch of chicks, just hanging around! Literally! LOL! The girls are looking good. Can't wait to see what they will be standing on.

  4. I LOVE watching this come along! And of course it makes me think of my cute little chickens every time I see it. You've done an outstanding job on the colours. Wow.

  5. Wonderful and extraordinary composition and subject. I can hear them going "gou-gou" like they do when they are quietly scratching the ground.
