Nov 16, 2010


 I like to continue to hunt for great fabric.  Just recently someone told me about a site I have never gone to.  So I paid them a visit and found four fabrics I just had to buy.
Aren't they fabulous!  I have no idea what I will use them in but just loved them all.

The one that stood out the most was this one.  It is Japanese.  Just so exciting.
The site I went to is:
just in case you are interested!

In the meantime we had lots going on at home.  My washer broke down and we had the repair man over.  Then we had new carpet put in on out steps going upstairs and down stairs, so they came over yesterday.  My job when this happens is taking the dogs either for a walk or into my studio so they do not have a need to bother the workman.  

This turn out to be a bonus for me when the carpet people came. I got two hours uninterupted to
work on my "IT" piece.  Made some great progress.
Plus....nice newly carpeted steps!


WoolenSails said...

The fabrics look fun to work with.
The new carpeting looks nice, nice texture.


Terri Stegmiller said...

Yummy fabrics! I'm betting the perfect project will come along to use them in.

Libby Fife said...

I love the figurines on the staircase. Clever girl:)

Great fabrics too. As if you wouldn't find a use for them!

Cameron said...

Barb, Love the fabrics. They are yours! I see another fantastic project in your future. Hugs

Em said...

Don't you love fresh new carpet how pretty it is and feels so yummy under the feet? COngrats and have fun fabric hunting!

frannie said...

The figurines are such a neat idea. Do you move each one up a step every day?

XUE said...

I have that same Japanese grey tones fabric! It's by a famous Japanese quilter & fabric designer, Keiko Goke. My 10 yr old daughter & I are lucky to met her & have seen her works up close. Warm wishes from Tokyo, Japan!

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