I finished the work on the second wing....added some water to the background and now will begin quilting. There is one piece missing on the goose body but I had to find the right
fabric before adding it. So that will be added tonight since I found it this morning when I went to buy gray thread at "The Sewing Basket".
When quilting is complete I plan on just binding this piece and keeping the wing going off the body of the quilt. Hopefully I can work that out.
your goose is really alive. beautiful!!
Gorgeous!! Thank you for letting us all have a 'gander' at your goose!!
It's fantastic! Such a sense of motion, and a feeling of flight!
You are such a splendid artist! I love your interpretation of the goose in flight. Yea!
It looks great so far. You have really managed to capture a mood-it looks to me like an illustartion out of a field guide, if that makes any sense. Really beautiful. Can't wait to see what the borders add.
Amazing! Although it is cut out rather roughly -- which I like a lot --, the goose is coming alive!
It's really, really good. It looks so lifelike as if it's just taking off from the water. The background is just perfect now too.
Thank you to everyone for enjoying the "process" of this quilt. I am
happy with it so far and know the quilting will only enhance the piece.
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