May 30, 2009


I pieced this background for a future quilt, that I have in my mind, last night before.......

I went back to this! This is beginning to sound like a broken record! But I am making progress and happy with how it is working out so far.

This morning I went out with my dogs and checked my tree peony. We bought this recently and it had the most enormous buds on it. I have been watching it closely to see what was going to happen. Well this morning it was partially open!

This gives you a better scale of how large this is and as you can see it is still snuggly and has not spread completely open. This definitely is going to be a big WOW in the garden.

In the meantime the poppies are on their last hoorah. Sad to see them go because then you are left with the messy dying leaves.
Hope all of you have a great weekend.


Exuberantcolor/Wanda S Hanson said...

Some pieces just take a long time to quilt so I know what you mean. I find it better to do it in little segments instead of all at once.

I have heard the tree peonies are huge.

Libby Fife said...

The hillside on the quilt is looking good-very effective. Love the orange color of those poppies too.

Joyce said...

Looking good! The tree peony looks huge.

Eva said...

What you said about the leaves reminds me of a Zen story. A master told his disciple to clean the path in front of the temple. He raked it, and the master said, it was not finished yet. So the disciple raked it once more in neat wave patterns, but the master said, it wasn't finished. The disciple sadly said, he did not know what was left to do, and shrugged his shoulders. The master went to a heap of leaves and took a handful of them and lightly scattered them over the path. "Finished", he said.

Beena said...

I'm really loving your "Mulberry Bush" quilt! It looks great!

frannie said...

Your garden looks gorgeous. I guess artists and gardens just go together. Our poppies and peonies are still in bud (we're a bit farther north) but watch for pictures later.

The WestCountryBuddha said...

I have trouble with my tree peony. It's a huge socking great white thing which only has about 5 blooms every year. Trouble is, they are so huge that the stems collapse under the weight. It needs beefing up a bit I think. I shall have to talk sternly to it.

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