Dec 27, 2013


Well here is the secret I have been working on….FOG!  This piece is totally experimental so if it works out I will be very happy and if it does not I will have learned a lot.  So far….I am very happy.  More to add but you can sort of understand the journey with this one now.

So how did I do this?   I bet you can guess… is layers of tulle.  One complete layer first ….then strips added to make it more dense towards the center until it was at the level I wanted.  Then another complete layer on top .  Lots of pins and quilting over it all.  Not sure this has been done before by anyone else, but I am unaware of it if it has.

Nice to be back in the studio fairly full time again.


Susan Turney said...

Barb! How exciting. I know you're having so much fun experimenting! And what success! Really, really cool!

Terri Stegmiller said...

It's gorgeous!

Molly, Sweet Potato Shop said...

sooo neat!

WoolenSails said...

WOW! Love how you did the fog with the tulle, really effective and love how it looks like the fog is rolling in. I would say you definitely got what you were hoping for, love it.


Debra Dixon said...

Good new technique for your bag of tricks!

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