
Dec 1, 2012

Tree & Red Twig Dogwoods

 This morning I finished quilting my second tree on my landscape quilt

 Someone asked where I get inspiration.  Well it is mainly from my surroundings.  I love going out and taking photos of the area I live in for future use on a quilt.  I keep a folder of these photos for later use.

The red in this landscape quilt came from heading out to my mom's to cut greens and red twig dogwoods for my winter pots at home.

 I loved how the red just pops in the winter landscape and had to add it in this quilt.  I fill two pots in front and one big one in the back.  The birds love perching in them and I will keep them until spring.

My telephone pole santa is also in place although he will not appear on this quilt.  I bought him 20 years ago!  He is all handcarved and weighs a ton but I love him and haul him from my attic every year.

This morning Watson was no where to be found.  I checked his favorite places and even looked in the mixing bowl which he sometimes curls up in,  Then I found him.

Seems he has decided to sleep in the guest room in the crib I have set up for Clayton.   Hmmmmm
Hope this is not going to be his new spot or I will be washing bedding before babies come for the day.  It is cute though. 


  1. I love how your stitching flows naturally with the piece.
    Love you santa, he is a fun piece and watson is so cute. I am sure mine would do that, since they like to sleep in anything that looks comfy.


  2. Another stunner of a quilt! I LOVE the Santa! I remember those days of semi-panic when I couldn't find Coco or Jane. I knew they couldn't have gotten out but then would start doubting until I'd find them in some crazy spot. I'd bet Watson will turn up here for a while ! It seems they find someplace new and stick with it!

  3. That Watson! He's so crazy!

    You can really do a landscape, Barbara. I love the bare branches too with their red colors. And as usual, your fabric selections are spot on!

  4. Oh, and I can't believe that Santa lives in the attic. How do you ever hall him down every year??? LOL!

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  6. How did Watson get in there? Is he ever right side up?
