
Dec 3, 2012

Barn Silo & Shed

I have added a few structures to the background today and quilted them.  They are subtle but there and nestled into the hillside.  Now I will add more trees around them.  It is a slow process partly due to spending yesterday at my son's putting up the rest of his fence and then this morning my dogs had their annual checkups.  All is good with them but it caused a bit of a late start in the studio.  It is getting there though and that is a good thing!

Dreary foggy day today,  Looks like it is late in the day all day long.  Good to be in the studio with some Wailin' Jennys on itunes!


  1. I am loving this piece each time you add something new, and how it all looks together.


  2. Loving those structures and that wonderful quilting in the foreground!
