
Nov 6, 2012

Quilting Away

 Did not think I would have much time to quilt today since Bob and I had some plans like first and foremost, voting.  Voting on election day (not early for us) is a social event in a small time.   You run into folks you know and talk and joke around as you wait in line.
After voting we went out to breakfast, a tradition since retirement.

Once we finished we drove down to Cosco for "supplies".  It is always fun in a way to shop that store.  You definitely have to continually remind yourself to stay on task as you can get side tracked very easily.  Every time we walk in the door Bob says "I think I need a 70" TV" and I just keep on walking.

Then we made a stop at the apple orchard and bought some fresh cider and some apples.

By the time we got home and put all our supplies away I still had time to work on my bachground.  Now it is time to make dinner.  It is dark outside at 4:30!  I am not a fan of short winter days.


  1. The school is only one house down, so we can walk over, makes it easier, lol. Your stitching is coming along beautifully. I wish I could still get apples, our season is over.


  2. I love voting in a small town and right in my neighborhood. It's an event for sure. You sound like you had a full day!
