
Nov 13, 2012

Everything but Studio Time

No progress has been made for the last few days.  First our gas fireplace was supposed to go in until they found out they had the wrong vent and had to order the right one.  We are tentatively rescheduled for Thursday Morning.

Then yesterday and today our windows on the second floor of our commercial property came in so one of us had to be down there while they were installed.  Bob was supposed to do that until he caught a bug of some sort (feeling better now) and that meant me. 

The good things are...the windows are in and I was able to work on my Christmas gift which has a lot of hand work on it.  Can't show you since family reads my blog from time to time. 

Here is the almost installed fireplace stove.  I think it will be nice and cozy soon. 


I just saw that I have reached 100 Followers!
Thank you to each and every one of you.


  1. I would love to have a wood stove, so someday we will have to look at options when we finish the basement.


  2. And now you're up to 101 w/my following you too! I found you via Susan Turney! Now to grab another cup of coffee and read your older posts!
