
Oct 19, 2012

"On The Farm With Natalie"

       "On The Farm With Natalie"
34" X 20"
Rawedged Fused Applique, Machine Quilted
An Original Design by Barbara Strobel Lardon Interpreted
From Photograph by Natalie Rowe

This quilt was a pleasure to work on.  I enjoyed all of it and it is going home to Natalie, the woman who owns and raises these chckens.  Thank you Natalie for sharing your photo with me and permitting me to create this art quilt for you.


  1. It is amazing and now I see how you used black behind them for the shadows, to emphasize the depth, really nice technique. This piece is definitely something you should enter.


  2. I didn't realize it was being made for Natalie. She must be thrilled and I know she will treasure it! What a great project!

    It just popped into my mind that it would be so fun to have an on-line quilting group of your readers and take a photo (chosen by you since you would be the leader... :) ) and each interpret it in our own way. Sort of like the Twelves or Dinner at Eight with a month or two to complete it.

    Any interest?

  3. Susan, she didn't intend to make it for me, but when I saw it in progress, I said "Barb, name your price!!" I've bought a few of her art quilts now and I have to say, they are even more amazing in person than in the photos. Such a talent, such fine work!!!

    And I will definitely treasure it. :) So glad the Canadian dollar is at par with the US one right now, LOL...
