
Sep 26, 2012

Migration & Chicken

It has been a busy four days.  We finished painting our front porch including the ceiling.  I was shocked that it took as long as it did seeing that our house has vinyl siding but the trim on the porch, steps, railings and arches are all wood and it was a lot of work!  We went through 2 gallons of paint so that sort of tells you how much surface there was to paint.  I am so glad it is finished and hopefully the paint will hold up for many years because I do not want to do that again for a long time.

We also went to the Sheboygan County Kennel Club show.  We took our dogs and had a lot of fun watching all the different breeds.  I have always loved the PBGV (Petite Brussels Griffon Vendeen).  In person they are even cuter than I ever thought.  We were able to talk to a breeder and pet his three dogs one was only 6 mo. old.

While we were painting Canadian Geese have been migrating and flying low over our house.  It was amazing to watch these huge flocks of geese passing by.  I had to take a few minutes and run down to the river, where I knew they would be gathering, to take a few photos.  

Of course that put my chicken quilt on hold for a few days.  I was able to work on one chicken today but could not get her legs on before needing to make dinner.  So here she is legless.  Poor thing.   
This does not look like much right now, but it is just in the beginning stages.  There is so much more to do yet.  

This weekend is my Quilt Guild's Quilt Show in Sheboygan.  I have entered two quilts my Frog and my Rooster.  I will deliver them on Friday morning.  The show is only one day so if you are in the area Saturday, stop by and see some beautiful quilts. 


  1. I love how that chicken looks, the feathers look so real.
    I hope you do well in the show and hope you take photos of the quits in the show.


  2. Oh. My. GOODNESS! I feel like I'm looking at my own real, live chicken. truly amazing! Gordon is equally impressed. I can't wait to see how this quilt turns out!

    Hope the quilt show goes well!

  3. Hey, I hope it wasn't chicken legs for dinner!

    Love your lake photos, that second one especially. I may have to "borrow" that:)

    And the kennel show sounds like a lot of fun and normally, a room full of dogs would make me a little nervous!

    Lots going on-it all sounds good:)

  4. The river looks beautiful! What a wonderful spot to have nearby. I LOVE the first chicken! This is going to be a beauty!
