
Sep 20, 2012

Chickens chickens and more chickens is my group of chickens which will go on the background shown yesterday.  Do you think this is a big enough challenge?   Now that I have the grouping worked out I will trace each one individually and add in all the details and refine them a bit.  Their faces definitely need that.

The photo I am interpreting from is one of Natalie Rowe's.  Her blog is Knatolee's World.
She gave me permission to use it.  I love her photography and you will see why if you visit.

I fell in love with these chickens of hers clustered on the firewood.  I did choose to edit the one on the far right out.  No matter what I did he just looked awkward in the grouping. I kept looking like he was growing out of the back of one of the ones in the foreground. 

So this may be a long journey but hopefully lots of fun.


  1. This is going to be so fun to watch!

  2. I love how you interpreted it and I agree, that back leg is strange looking and would not make sense in the piece.


  3. I can't WAIT to see the quilt you make. God help me if you put it up for sale... ;)

  4. PS I would have edited out that chicken too!!

  5. Look at those ladies! Can't wait to see this one unfold!
