
Jul 29, 2012


Time to show you what I am working on.  It is the "Big Eyed Frog".   He makes the Rrrrrrrrr-ga sound when trying to attract a mate.  I am still working on him and his face and body.  I like how he is situated on the background but he is not fused down yet.  I will do that after I finish with his body.
My leaf is partially finished.  I have another one finished but not sure if I am adding it or not.  Stay tuned!

Feels good to be back in the studio.  Unlike some quilters I do not take my quilting with me when I go on vacation.  I like the break because when I return I have a renewed energy and creativity level.  I think it is good to break away from time to time.   What do you think?


  1. I like to take the weekends off & return on Monday so I am reinvigorated.

    Cool frog! Looks like your vacation was inspiring (from the FB photos).

  2. I bring penny rugs on vacations, then all I need to do is have it all put together and bring black floss and i am all set. I usually am too tired to do much on vacations, but nice for the car trip and quiet times if I need to keep my hands busy.

    Your new piece is wonderful.


  3. ohhh loved the frog! can almost hear him! I know what you mean about getting back into the swing of things - just gotten back in my sewing hole and it feels great!
