Jun 17, 2009

The Goose

Now that I have my two entries in the mail and that is off my mind, I am back to quilting my "Mulberry Bush" . This may be the quilt that takes forever to finish as I keep getting distracted by other ideas. For instance the above "goose". I am still unhappy with the background so when I need a moment to stretch from being at the machine, I have been working on this.

Last night my husband and I went to the Tuesday night car show here in town. It is held at the local McD's every Tuesday during the summer. It was looking cloudy and the temperature went from the warm 70's down to the low 60's just when I was leaving work. We have a 1955 t-bird convertible we take and the top was down! Needless to say we did not stay longer then 2 hours and called it a night.


Kay said...

I like the changes you made to the background.

Beena said...

It is very easy to get distracted from a bigger important project. Veeeerrrrry easy! But those breaks are sometimes what you need to re-approach with a fresher set of eyes.

I can't imagine 60 or 70 degree wather right now. We're getting roasted with 90's here in Florida right now. Just roasted.

Eva said...

This car story knocked my husband off his ergonomic office chair. "Really??" I googled it. Phantastic!
(He collects 1950-69 model cars, 1:18, mostly European brands, and he's got a black 1955 t-bird convy, black, in his collection!)

Susan Turney said...

I LOVE the background on the goose! It's "stand-alone" in my opinion!!!

Barbara Strobel Lardon said...

Thanks for all the support on this project. It is still evolving because I plan on quilting the entire background first. So that is why I want it to be right.

Thanks Eva for the t-bird comment. I have emailed a photo of the car for you to share with your husband!

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