The computer has opened up a whole new world to the quilter. I am always amazed how many interesting sites with live telecasts of techniques to learn, lectures and wonderful examples of artists work are available for all of us to see right in our own homes; the Online shops, with all sorts of wonderful fabric and products for us to purchase and learn about; the opportunities to participate in a challenge or join a group or enter a show. And of course, Blogging, Email, Facebook, Youtube and more and more and more.
Each day I have to decide what is more important. To spend the time I have in the studio working or to go on the computer, where I know I put myself at risk of spending that time "surfing". It can just be the simple act of opening an email from a quilting buddy who tells you about a site to check out. With one click of the mouse you end up spending all of the time you meant to spend in the studio, browsing, investigating, learning, watching, posting and viewing.
It is not getting any better either. Today I have to decide whether to work on my quilt tonight or participate in a live program offered by SAQA's Quilting University. I understand doing both is important, but it is hard when days are only 24 hours long and my energy dwindles after 9PM!
Tell me about it - I thought I'd just read one quick blog only it was Diane's and you had left a a comment about time disappearing and so I came to find your blog which is new to me and then I had to read it and now I have to write a comment to say Hi...!! I really did meant to do some sewing tonight!
Oh, how I know what you mean! I get caught behind my computer all the time when I know I should be doing something else! (laughing) But it helps to establish limits with yourself as to how much time before you need to get to the other things. I do a quick look at e-mails and the blogs I follow in the morning. Then, until I've done a certain amount of work, I don't go back to my computer. Limits. Have to have limits.
It's the ever present rabbit trail effect! I go back and forth on the time limit thing, adapting it as I go. I am to the point where I can't take in too much info-I just narrow down what I am interested in and go from there.
All of these comments are so true. It is the juggling and prioritizing you do all through life, it just changes depending on the stage you are in.
And now I am heading to the studio so I can post something later today of progress!
I find that having a blog keeps me accountable for getting work done so I can post new work several times a week.
And, since I don't lunch with anyone, I often use my "lunch hour" as computer time. I try to be on the computer when I know I have less energy for the studio.
But, you are so right--it's a balancing act.
Glad to know I'm not the only one torn in all directions...and now there's the garden calling as well. But I think it's true that the busier we are the more we do.
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