Jan 28, 2009

Morning Mourning Doves

I got up this morning and was making some coffee in the kitchen and peered out to see this on the rail of my deck. They were all snuggled up trying to stay warm on the wooden rail instead of the snowy icy ground. I have always loved this bird and do not like their name. They are so peaceful and friendly that to think of them sad and "Mourning" does not suit them.

I worked on my beads last night once again. Hopefully I will keep getting a little done each night.

I am also reading "The Story of Edgar Sawtelle" and loving it. I do not know the ending but heard it is very sad. I have also heard that Oprah and Tom Hanks are going to make the movie together and that there are two more books to follow this one. So I am enjoying it, but it too takes some time out of my day. I just can not find time to do all that I want to do.

1 comment:

frannie said...

Barbara, we also have lots of mourning doves, I counted 12 in the little tree near the feeder, waiting for the next seed delivery. They're much like the extinct passenger pigeons. I wonder how they taste.

Edgar Sawtelle is on my reading agenda as well. It has been there for a year but our book group keeps throwing other titles at me.

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