Sep 18, 2015


Sometimes life just does not want to cooperate with your artistic endeavors and this week has been that way for me.  Many distractions, some good some not so good, but all keeping me out of the studio.   It happens, there is nothing you can do about it but wait until "the dust settles" and move on.   Today I finally have time to begin again.

I selected all the fabrics I will use for this rooster and then decided to work on the head first even though it is one of the last things to go on.   I think it will motivate me, knowing it is finished, as it is what gives this guy life. 

Then I traced all the parts to the head from my drawing to my fusible...of course they are are the reverse side of the drawing so that once fused onto the fabric they will face the right direction.

As you can see, there are many parts...most of them are shadows or light.  Now to put them all together and find out what he looks like and what personality he has.

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