Aug 5, 2013


 During all the unheaval of closing our store I was approached to do an article for the October 2013 Quilt Magazine!
They wanted it to be on my quilt "The Great Horned Owl".   I was honored and I just received my complimentary issue this morning.

 I am on the final page and I am thrilled  to be featured in this wonderful and popular Magazine.
My cup definitely runneth over this year!

I asked my studio cat, Watson, what he thought....he replied "That's Nice" but did not seem
overly excited. 


Judy Hartman said...

How wonderful!!! Congratulations Barbara!!
I find it very difficult to impress my cats also!

WoolenSails said...

Congratulations, that is a wonderful piece.
Watson is wondering why he didn't get anything;)


Loris said...

This owl is one of my favorites. I also love your Barred Owl. Congrats for being able to share your work. Watson is beautiful!

Sandra said...

Congratulation! Watson should be more impressed.

Kay said...

Wonderful, Barbara!

Libby Fife said...

Congratulations! It's well deserved but I can't believe you managed to fit this in!

Susan Turney said...

Congratulations! Watson probably thinks " Been there, seen that" and is ready for a new piece! :)

Vickie said...

That's very exciting for you. But not your cat ....he's too busy being beautiful !

Trish said...

Wow! Congrats! I know you are walking on air!
BTW, I suspect the date of the publication is really 2013...not 2012 (?).
Time flies.

Trish said...

Wow! Congrats! I know you are walking on air!
BTW, I suspect the date of the publication is really 2013...not 2012 (?).
Time flies.

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