May 29, 2013


 The vegetable & herb garden is in and beginning to produce young lettuce.

 This is looking through to the back of the house.

Hostas and  daylilies and the peonies are growing like crazy with all the rain and cooler temps.
The side yard of the house

The Nude boy garden still just starting out but the japanese maple full and ready to do along with two Hucheras and some hostas.

So nice to see spring arrive after all that snow.


Knatolee said...

Beautiful garden! is that a Japanese maple? I love them!

Libby Fife said...

That's my Nude Boy! Glad to see signs of Spring and Summer. Your garden shots are always so delightful:)

WoolenSails said...

Your gardens look wonderful, I have too much space and it is mostly open, would love to do gardens and pathways.


Rian said...

Nice digs! Thanks for the tour of your biosphere. I have a black thumb so I really appreciate the planning and effort it takes to pull it off.

Debra Dixon said...


Bruce the Great said...

What do you think of this?

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