Sep 10, 2011

Sheboygan County Fair

 It was a grand day at the Sheboygan County Fair.  The Pigs were very happy!

 Our Grandson, Max liked them best.

 The Chickens were still Grandma's favorite.

 I believe sitting on all the big tractors were even more fun for Max.

Of course there are always dangerous animals?????
However, the rides are the most fun.


WoolenSails said...

How fun to be able to go with your grandson, kids always make things more fun;) I should go to our zoo, haven't been since the kids were little and would be a great place to get some candid animal shots for future ideas. My good camera finally got sent, so can't wait to try it out, hope he put the essentials with it, so I don't have to buy anything.


Debra Dixon said...

What a delight!

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