Apr 15, 2011


The next time you pick up your Rowenta Iron or whatever brand you have, think about the early quilters using this.  The "sad iron" that you heated on the wood burning stove and then pressed your
fabric when it got hot.  It weighs a lot as well.  But the funny thing is........

The trivet it sits on is named "Sensible"?

This old cast iron string holder is going home with me.  For some reason I love old cast iron pieces and I can see this hanging in my studio with a ball of yarn in it.


WoolenSails said...

I like cast iron pieces, my newest thing is cast iron cat door stops. I figure it is something that I won't find a lot of, so fun to look in the thrifts and antique stores when I go out.


frannie said...

Fascinating things from the days before plastic.

Libby Fife said...

How about "practical?" Too funny! Do you ever not kow what a piece is? You should hold a guessing contest:)

Libby Fife said...

not know!

Marie said...

We used to have old irons (really old irons) used as door stops on our doors (we had at least 5 or 6). I like the idea of the hanging yarn holder - now there's an idea I would like to see come back (maybe not in cast iron).

Hugs - Marie

Nellie's Needles said...

That makes my arm hurt just looking at it.

We, too, had a number of the smaller cast irons as door stops. Glad they were from before my time.

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