So the ambulance came once again and took her to the emergency room. We were all there until after midnight. Once again she needed blood most of all. She stayed in the hospital for four days and yesterday I brought her home with a stricter diet and more medications and followup blood tests to make sure her blood count is not going down, so we can make sure she does not get to the point of total collapse.
She is doing well and all of us are staying with her at various times until we are confident she is fine to be left on her own again. So.....a stressful experience again but I am learning a lot about ulcers! More then I really wanted to know.
I got home tonight and walked outside to see our Blue Con Color is getting its pine cones. I will follow these closely with photos, because you will be surprised at the color!
I hope your mother gets better quickly- it sounds like she has plenty of help!
I hope your mom feels better soon. Love that cone color, very unique.
Mom is lucky to have so many caregivers:)
That flower is an interesting shape. I am always amazed by stuff like that so thanks:)
I am so sorry to hear about your mother. I hope she is doing well. How nice that you are still able to see the beauty of nature during this trying time. I look forward to seeing the changing color.
close observation to the beauty around us, is always a good soother.
I hope your mother is feeling better soon, and some calm finds its way to you.
I don't think I've ever seen a cone like that... I'm curious to see what color comes next!
Best wishes and prayers for your mother!
Thanks to all once far so good with Mom.
This pinecone will surprise you.
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