
Dec 11, 2012


If your on a farm you have to have a pickup but this one has seen its day.  That took a bit of time and patience!   Tomorrow will be cleaning the house day so I wanted to share this with you now.
You just have to make hay when the gettin' is good!   (That's the farmer in me coming out from working too long of a day on a truck.)

Staying cold enough for the snow to stay on the ground and bit still on the trees but soon it is going in the 40's so that may end what little we have left.  I like it.  Feels more like Christmas is coming. 


  1. You are really adding a lot of detail to this one, love it and love the truck and the colors you used. Reminds me of the old rusty trucks you see on the farms.


  2. Great scene in this quilt and such wonderful details!

  3. Destined for greatness--don't sell it too soon!! *wink*

  4. Well, I was a-fixin' ta leave a post, y'all! There is my wanna be farmer coming out!

    The truck and farmer look great. Keep truckin'!

  5. It's getting more exciting every day!!!
