
Dec 24, 2012

"Hanging On"

 "Hanging On"
22" X 28 1/2"
Rawedged Fused Applique
Fabric Paint
Machine Quilted

 "Hanging On" is my tribute to the small farmer who it losing ground to the large corporate farmer who is buying up all the land around.

 He struggles to keep up with his farm but he is growing old and his equipment and barns are too.

 His herd of dairy cows is dwindling and he can't compete with the large herds that are now his neighbors knocking on his door.

However he still has his pride and his farm has been in the family for over 150 years.  It is hard to let go and he will fight as long as he is able.

This is part of Americana.   We will miss this when it is gone.  Our grandchildren may not know
this life existed.  Will the splendid wooden post and beam barns that sprinkle our landscape disappear and be replaced by the more economical metal barns that can be built in a few days but have no beauty onto themselves?    It happens so slowly that we better wake up and before it is too late. 


  1. I really love this piece and the fabrics you used for the different elements. I also love your thought behind it, so much land is being swallowed up for new housing, it is a shame.


  2. Oh Barb, that is breathtakingly beautiful! what an amazing job you did.

    We have a post-and-beam barn that is about 150 years old, and we're doing our best to keep it in good shape. I hate those "coverall" things they use as barns these days!

    Have a great Christmas. Your quilt is a wonderful tribute to farmers.

  3. It does make you stop to think about progress and the hidden and overt prices that we all pay. A wonderful piece; even more so because of the many meanings. Good job as always!

    Hope you have a great Christmas today, Barbara. Be safe and warm.

  4. It turned out great! I love seeing your progress shots. And the message of the quilt is such a timely one. I just read about an organic farm down South going through the same thing - pushed out by a big agribusiness. Happy New Year, and looking forward to your next project.

  5. Looking at the photo of the entire quilt, it looks like it is a painting. It truly is a work of art and it seems like it would be bigger than the actual size. Spectacular work.

  6. Thank you all so much for your generous comments. They mean so very much to me and it brings me joy when people see what I see in a piece.

  7. I love this, the inspiration behind it is very touching, & very real. heartbreaking to see. we saw another old barn fall & it was burned last week, so sad to lose it, and there is no going back...,,,,
