
Nov 27, 2012

Back to Work Soon!

 I am finally finished with my handmade Christmas gifts and they are mailed to the recipient.  They should have them soon and then I will post what they are.  It has taken all my spare time and there was nothing left to even do a  post here.   But I will share some photos of Ozzie, above, taking a snooze under the Christmas tree which I put up today.

 Then Watson taking a look at the prizms I have hanging in my studio.

Sometimes he looks so sophisticated with those big blue eyes.

Tomorrow I should have studio time so hopefully I can share some more work on my latest landscape piece. 


  1. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I haven't put out my decorations yet, but guess I need to get the boxes out.


  2. Glad you are back in action. You even got the tree up! Watson and Ozzie are looking good!

  3. Love the pet pics! Snoozy, happy dog and a beautiful kitty!
