
Aug 16, 2012

"RRRRRR-GA" Finished

25" X 34"
Raw-edged fused applique, border and binding
Shiva Paint Sticks shadowing
Machine Quilted
Interpreted from photo by photographer Darren Flynn
Aug. 2012

It was a lot of fun working on this piece.  I love when I feel the personality of the love creature coming through and this guy has a lot of personality.  I will enter him in the guild's show in September.

(I was going to change my typo of "love creature" to live creature and then I thought, maybe he is a love creature?  So I left it.  )


  1. I really love how he came out, makes such a difference with the quilting, more depth and realism.


  2. It's fabulous! I'm smitten with the pieced/chopped borders.

  3. From a non-quilter, I can only say bravo. I like it. Hope the show goes well.
