
Aug 14, 2012

Quilting Finished!

 I have been quilting all day long.  It is almost 4 and I am finished!  Frog is looking like he has a skin now!  I am pretty happy with it.

I think there are about 6 colors of thread in this frog.  I am attached to him now.  Something about working on living subjects.  You start feeling their personality and then with that comes an attachment for me.  This guy just makes me happy looking at him.  He has that look on his face!
I will have to keep him for a while.  :)


  1. He really looks amazing, love the stitching on him, it does bring him to life.


  2. what a wonderful guy!! I love it when a quilt becomes something more with the stitches. Love it!

  3. He is so cute! What a little personality he has:)
