
Jun 4, 2012


 I have begun work on my 7th 12x12 quilt.  This one is called "Radishes".   So I began by drawing out the radishes and where I wanted the shadows and laying them out.  I used the sketch from a few days ago as a guide.

I could see the white root end was too heavy and I would have to do the end of those with thread only. so I cut them off at he tops.

 This is much better.  Now to start adding leaves.  I am happy with the leaves as is and began the quilting on them.  I can always add more if I feel there is a need later.  Oh the magic of fusing. 

 Here are a few leaves quilted.  Had to stop and go to the electrocardiologist with my hubby for a checkup.  He is doing great!

All of this came from one night of sketching.  There is value in sketching and I have made myself a promise to try to sketch every night when at all possible.

1 comment:

  1. Loved seeing the process on this one, especially when I saw how heavy the roots were and that you thought the same thing. Great exercise on how to change something and make it better.

