
May 23, 2012

Clay & Coneflowers

 Had my grandson, Clayton, for an overnight.  He was lots of fun and is just so cute.  His brother had to stay home with his other Grandma because it was his last day of preschool.  My daughter in law wanted to take my son out for an overnite in honor of his 35th Birthday.

After we dropped Clay off,  I finished up my coneflower piece.  Now all I need is to attach the binding.

My sister surprised me on my birthday with this beautiful fabric she brought back from her recent trip to Hawaii.   Nothing better then fabric for a gift.


  1. Clayton is so adorable and he looks a lot like you.
    Gorgeous fabrics and perfect for another beautiful piece, as is your newest one.


  2. Clayton is so sweet! What a nice visit you must have had:)

    Great looking coneflowers and what a super assortment of fabric. What a great sister:)

  3. Ahhh Babies!! :) Your cornflowers are beautiful. Very Lush!
