
Apr 25, 2012

Lots of Good Things

 Today I went to see my quilt hanging in our local art gallery called "Gallery 110 North".  If you do not remember this it is called "Reeds On the Mullet River".    Not a good shot of it but you can see it here:  "Reeds"
 Our Gallery has been remodeled and the new gallery is wonderful.  Still needs better spot lighting adjustment but over all it is a huge improvement.

 The work was wonderful and I enjoyed seeing some of my friends work as well.

When I got home a package was waiting for me.  It was an Acrylic painting by Libby Fife.  I won this in a drawing on her blog last week and it arrived today.  I put it on an easel on my dresser.  I love the colors and Libby's technique.  If you want to see her work visit her blog here:   quiltedcraftsman

 It came with a photograph of another of her paintings on the front of the enclosed  card.  Thank you Libby, my cup runneth over!

I also have my kitchen back.  Yes the tile man came back and sealed the edges where the tile meets the countertops.  After he left I could put everything back on top just being careful not to put it against the wall too close as to hit the grout line.

I am so happy to have a working kitchen back and it looks fabulous to me.  Nice and bright and cheerful.

The day was a good one despite it being cold and rainy.


  1. Your piece looks beautiful in the gallery.
    Love your new kitchen, the oak really looks nice with the white. A wonderful prize for you to win, her work is beautiful.


  2. I just love that you had so many wonderful things happen at once! What a beautiful gallery also and of course, your work looks wonderful there. Congratulations too on remodeling the kitchen, so to speak. Amazing what just a few changes will do-the kitchen looks super!
